Kid’s bedroom mural with a skate-boarding dinosaur, toucans and mountain 🦕

Child's bedroom mural in Manchester with a dinosaur on a skateboard, trees, mountains and toucans

Bedroom mural with a skateboarding dinosaur and toucans 🙂

Parents Justine and Daniel wanted a mural to brighten up the walls of Benji’s brand new bedroom.

They knew exactly what characters and colour scheme they wanted…definitely a stegosaurus, definitely mountains, and most definitely a toucan. (Or three!)

Projects always start with a collaborative Pinterest board, one of the images in which prompted Justine to ask “can we put the stegosaurus on a skateboard?

Why not! 😀

Final sketches for a dinosaur mural in Manchester

Final sketches for the dinosaur bedroom mural

Mural with a dinosaur on a skateboard and mountains in Manchester

Finished wall showing mountains and sun

Bedroom mural with a toucan hanging upside down from a shelf

Toucan hanging from a shelf, named ‘Bedside Bob’

Mural in Manchester with a toucan flying above a tree

Flying toucan, named ‘Flapping Frank’

Kid's mural in Manchester with a toucan facing a dinosaur

Toucan on a light switch, named ‘Roy’

I had such a lovely time painting this mural, made even better by a wonderful family, a view of the hills from the window, and constant company from Lisa the cat…who liked swishing her tail against fresh paint! 😻

Benji and Aela

Benji and Aela standing in front of their new mural

Check out my murals page for other work, or get in touch if you want a friendly chat about an idea or project and a free estimate.


Toucan clothing, tote bags and art prints at Flapping Frank


Billy and the Mini Monsters Go Camping